Ash Bash Drum School
£22 per 30mins
£31 per 45mins
£41 per 60mins
£25 per 30mins
£35 per 45mins
£45 per 60mins
Use our studios to practise.
£5 per 30min block.
Prepay for nine lessons in advance
10th lesson is FREE when compared to PAYG
Pay by Cash/Card or BACS
Lesson with Kevin or Phil
Lesson with Simon Ash
Practise Sessions

Cancellation Fees
We respectfully ask for 24hrs notice to cancel/rearrange a weekday lesson. (48hrs notice for weekend lessons)
Give us notice by Text/WhatsApp or email and we will timestamp cancellation from when that message is received
If we don't receive the required notice the missed lesson slot will become chargeable at 100% rate.
As long as we get the required notice, it's free to cancel/rearrange.
With notice, we can resell the slot to another student on the waiting list
We are a registered

ASH BASH Drum School
is sponsored by